Hemingway Review Blog

The Hemingway Review blog shares information on topics relevant to Hemingway, his writings, and the study of his work. It’s a more casual, less serious space for playful pieces and personal reflections. We will consider videos, audio recordings, slide presentations, photographs, and short pieces of writing (generally 250-500 words). Reflections on teaching and discussions of popular culture are welcome. Please review the blog's submission guidelines and contact Lisa Tyler, blog editor, at lisa.tyler@sinclair.edu if you are interested in contributing to the blog. 

Robert Trogdon, 04/01/2022

Consider the effects of a recent milestone for Hemingway's 1926 novel 

Stone Meredith, 03/18/2022

Learn how Stone Meredith connects Hemingway's writings on the Spanish Civil War and the Iron Curtain to the conflict in Ukraine

Verna Kale, 03/14/2022

Visit Sylvia Beach's grave in Princeton Cemetery with Verna Kale

Sharon Hamilton, 02/18/2022

Whose typewriter is displayed in the hall in the building where Hemingway and Hadley lived in Chicago?  

Sharon Hamilton, 01/31/2022

Sharon Hamilton visits Ernest and Hadley's first apartment in Chicago

Jobst Knigge, 01/06/2022

What did the Renaissance art historian and Hemingway have to say to each other? 


Read the three winning haikus selected by attendees at the Holidays with Hemingway party


Better a bit late than never:  In this after-the-fact teaser interview for The Hemingway Review, editor, Suzanne del Gizzo, interviews Ryan Hediger about his essay, "'The Snows of Kilimanjaro' as an Allegory of the Anthropocene," which appears in the Fall 2021 issue.

Dustin Faulstick, 11/16/2021

Dustin Faulstick explains how students in masks interpret the metaphorical mask Nick wears in "The Three-Day Blow"

Stone Meredith, 10/29/2021

Stone Meredith explains how she teaches Ernest Hemingway and Zora Neale Hurston to connect today's student writers to voice and place

Peter Hays, 10/12/2021

Veteran professor Peter Hays writes about teaching first-year students in a freshman seminar

Nissa Ren Cannon, 09/24/2021

Learn about the day-to-day activities of the Lost Generation in Paris through the digitized pages of the Paris Tribune

Patricia Hobson Pottle and Russ Pottle, 07/15/2021

Dangerous temptation awaits.  Patricia Hobson Pottle and Russ Pottle tell us how to get a copy of Hemingway's boat, Pilar, for our very own!

Sharon Hamilton, 05/24/2021

Sharon Hamilton explains how you can follow the 1921 baseball season courtesy of the Society for American Baseball Research.

Wayne Catan, 04/28/2021

Wayne Catan remembers Loyd Little, First-Ever PEN/Hemingway Award Winner (1976).


Editor, Suzanne del Gizzo, interviews recent Ph.D. graduate, Juliet Conway, on her contribution to the Spring 2021 issue of The Hemingway Review on Brett Ashley.

Georgia MacZura, Undergraduate Research Assistant, The Hemingway Letters Project, 01/05/2021

Georgia MacZura, Undergraduate Research Assistant, The Hemingway Letters Project, writes about researching and correcting quotations that are often misattributed to Ernest Hemingway, including her work for the Hemingway Society website.

Suzanne del Gizzo, 11/19/2020

In this inaugural episode of the "Teaser" Interviews for The Hemingway Review, editor Suzanne del Gizzo interviews members of the Hemingway Letters Project--General Editor, Sandra Spanier; Co-Editor on Volumes 4 and 5 Miriam Mandel; and Research Assistant, Katie Warczak--about their contributions to the Fall 2020 issue of the Review​.

Alex Vernon, M.E. and Ima Graves Peace Distinguished Professor of English, Hendrix College, 11/01/2020

Alex Vernon revisits Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls as we approach the 2020 election.

David Anderson, 07/23/2020

David Anderson writes about a book kept in the Hemingway's Windemere cottage.