In Memory of H. R "Stoney" Stoneback

The Ernest Hemingway Society is deeply saddened by the death of its former president, Harry “Stoney” Stoneback, who recently passed away, aged 80. A renowned poet, folk singer, raconteur, and critic, Stoney was a dear friend to many of us—loved for his brilliance, sense of humor, and passion for all things Hemingway. READ MORE.

Special Issue of The Hemingway Review on Hemingway, Blackness, and Whiteness

This special issue of The Hemingway Review aims to deepen the conversation about Hemingway, Blackness, and Whiteness. Recognizing Hemingway was taught and expected to perform White Supremacy and Privilege, we call on scholars to demonstrate ways to identify and make meaning of racism and anti-racism in Hemingway’s work. What can we learn from Hemingway about the performance of Whiteness and what use is that knowledge? How have Black writers engaged Hemingway, both in his lifetime and later?

2nd Annual Holidays with Hemingway Virtual Party

We had a blast at our second annual Holidays with Hemingway virtual party.  If you missed it, you can watch the pre-recorded footage below!  Happy Holidays!  The winning haikus will be featured in a THR blog soon!