The Hemingway Society will be at the American Literature Association in Boston, MA from May 25-27 at the Westin Copley Place. We have a session scheduled for 4pm on May 27 and a Business Meeting at 5:30pm also on May 27. Please be advised: You must register for the conference to attend.
Thanks to Verna Kale for organizing the panel!
Paying Attention to Gender: Hemingway Studies in/and Transition
Organized by the Hemingway Society
Chair: Verna Kale, The Pennsylvania State University
1. "Secular Confession: Alcohol and Masculine Vulnerability in The Sun Also Rises," Anthony Raffin, Case Western Reserve University
2. "Queer Conversion and the Failure of Memory in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms," Stephanie Vastine, University of North Texas
3. "A Sea 'Change': Gender Fluidity as Consumption in The Garden of Eden," Galen Bunting, Northeastern University
4. "Castration, Homosexual Desire, and Orientalism in 'God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen," Hiromi Furutani, Kanto Gakuin University